Greek Name Day: Bakhos, Polychronis, Sergios (and variants)
Greek Name Day:
The name Bakhos comes from the fourth-century Christian soldier, Bacchus, known for his close friendship with Sergius. The pair were revered as martyrs and military saints by the catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches. They were held in high regard as officers in the Galeriusâ army, until they became exposed as secret Christians. Bacchus and Sergius were severely punished with torture and beheadings. The friendship between the two are heavily emphasised in their hagiographies and traditions, making them one of the most famous examples of paired saints.
The Greek names Polychronis and Polychronios come from the Holy Martyr Polychronios the Presbyter, who was the son of a landowner raised in Christian piety. With the money he earned from working in a vineyard, he built a church devoted to Christ. Saint Polychronios participated in the acts of the First Ecumenical Council, a meeting of bishops and authorities ruling the Christian doctrine. He was murdered by Arians at the altar of the church.
The name Sergios and Sergio come from the fourth-century Christian soldier, Sergius, known for his close friendship with Bacchus. The pair were revered as martyrs and military saints by the catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches. They were held in high regard as officers in the Galeriusâ army, until they became exposed as secret Christians. Sergius and Bacchus were severely punished with torture and beheadings. The friendship between the two are heavily emphasised in their hagiographies and traditions, making them one of the most famous examples of paired saints.
Name Days are often named after a Christian saint or martyr and are mainly celebrated in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox countries. On this day, the holy person is celebrated, as well as anyone named after this person. Often, these celebrations are more important than birthdays. Celebrated today: Bakhos, Polychronis, Polychronios, Sergios, Sergio.