Diversity Atlas permite a las empresas utilizar la diversidad como motor para mejorar el rendimiento empresarial y obtener una ventaja sobre la competencia.
Emerging business and academic research indicates that diversity within teams and at various levels is positively correlated with enhanced business performance. Companies with greater ethnic and cultural diversity at the leadership level are 33% more likely to have industry leading profitability. Furthermore, companies in the lowest quartile for both gender and ethnic/cultural diversity were 29% less likely to achieve above average profitability (McKinsey Report, 2018).
A recent BCG study suggests that increasing the diversity of leadership teams leads to more and better innovation and improved financial performance. Companies with more diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues due to innovation (Boston Consulting Group, 2018).
Why is this the case? The answer is complex and varied. En términos generales, las personas de diversos orígenes y con experiencias vividas, ven y experimentan el mundo de diferentes maneras. This diversity translates into the workplace by seeing the same problem in different ways and in generating different solutions and ideas. This is a powerful asset – “In a fast changing business environment, such responsiveness leaves companies better positioned to adapt.” (Boston Consulting Group, 2017).
Use the data generated by Diversity Atlas to survey baseline staff diversity, identify gaps, establish targets and track your progress over time, then use the deeper intersectional insights* generated by the tool to feed into your engagement strategies to ensure your workforce is inclusive and responsive to employee needs. Diversity Atlas es la puerta de entrada para cosechar el rendimiento comercial mejorado que surge de una mayor diversidad y compromiso.
* Los conocimientos interseccionales garantizan que sus estrategias de paridad de género, por ejemplo, tengan en cuenta factores interseccionales como el origen étnico, el nivel del puesto, la edad y la discapacidad.