Diversity Atlas est le fruit de notre leadership en matière de compréhension interculturelle, de notre expertise technologique, de 6 années de recherche et de notre engagement en faveur de l'équité et de l'inclusion.
Notre histoire
Why we’re here
Après avoir produit et dirigé d'importantes productions interculturelles pour les Nations unies, le Parlement des religions du monde et l'Initiative des religions unies, le fondateur de Cultural Infusion, Peter Mousaferiadis, est un leader d'opinion internationalement reconnu dans le domaine de la culture en tant que moteur de la paix et de l'innovation. Depuis plus de 30 ans, Peter s'intéresse et se passionne pour la culture sous toutes ses formes et l'enseigne aux autres.
Peter a fondé Cultural Infusion en 2002, dont la vision organisationnelle est de contribuer à créer un monde culturellement harmonieux. La mission de l'entreprise et de la fondation est de construire une harmonie mondiale par le biais de l'action interculturelle, en proposant un large éventail de programmes culturels aux écoles, aux entreprises, aux gouvernements et aux partenaires, et en organisant des événements et des programmes majeurs qui aident les gens à mieux comprendre et à expérimenter la valeur de la diversité culturelle dans nos vies.
Recherche sur la diversité des cultures
to create harmony
Préoccupés par la dimension culturelle des conflits (75% des conflits dans le monde ont une dimension culturelle selon l'UNESCO) et par les perturbations que la diversité entraîne souvent dans la communication et les performances des équipes, nous avons entrepris d'étudier et de comprendre la diversité de manière exhaustive à travers un processus qui a conduit à 6 ans de recherche et développement et à la publication de nos résultats dans une revue scientifique.
La science
a thoroughly researched methodology
Nous avons travaillé avec des experts en informatique, en anthropologie culturelle et en théorie organisationnelle, ainsi qu'avec nos partenaires, la Commission nationale australienne pour l'UNESCO, l'Université nationale australienne et le Dialogue des civilisations, afin de concevoir une enquête qui mesure la diversité dans toute sa complexité et son intersectionnalité, en permettant aux individus de partager leur histoire en des termes qui leur sont significatifs. Nous avons ensuite développé le premier outil d'analyse de données sur la diversité au monde, que nous appelons désormais Diversity Atlas.
"Divisés nous tombons, unis nous tenons, diversifiés nous grandissons"
Slogan gagnant élaboré par Peter Mousaferiadis, fondateur de Cultural Infusion, pour la campagne de l'Alliance des civilisations des Nations unies “Do One Thing for Diversity” en 2013
Staff Bios
Peter Mousaferiadis
Michael Walmsley
Chief Experience Officer
Rezza Moieni
Chief Technology Officer
Veronica Pardo
Executive Director - Programs
Wesley Payne McClendon
Chief Transformation Officer
Roman Ruzbacky
Director – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Advisory Board
Dr Juliet Bourke
International business advisor & Professor
Elizabeth Birch
President and CEO
The Elizabeth Birch Company
Jean Christophe-Bas
Founder and CEO
The Global Compass
Mohammed Khodr
Sales Director
Amri B. Johnson
Inclusion Wins
Luciano Floridi
Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information
University of Oxford
Ce que nous défendons
Nous travaillons à comprendre notre diversité culturelle et à construire l'harmonie et le bien-être en contribuant à une société qui :
Peut mesurer de manière significative la richesse et la diversité des personnes qui existent dans notre monde
Valorise la compréhension interculturelle
Utilise sa richesse culturelle au profit de la société dans son ensemble
Utiliser l'expression culturelle et artistique comme moyen de promouvoir la cohésion sociale
Choisissez de mieux connaître votre organisation !
Commencez dès aujourd'hui à vous pencher sur la diversité de votre organisation.
Peter Mousaferiadis is a thought leader in the space of culture, and of utilising culture as a driver of peace, sustainability, and innovation. He has spent over three decades working in the cultural and creative industries, and is a winner of numerous international awards in interculturalism including the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Intercultural Innovation Award as well as producing the winning slogan “Diversified We Grow” for their “Do One Thing for Diversity” campaign. Peter is regularly called upon as a thought leader of culture as a driver of peace.
Michael leads the commercialisation of digital technologies, including Diversity Atlas. Michael has played pivotal leadership roles that have resulted in local and global expansions. Prior to Cultural infusion, Michael led commercialisation of unique emerging technologies and data businesses, including Dialog information services with its Thomson Reuters acquisition ,Lexer pre Series A and Hitwise with its sale to Experian for $250m.
CTO and Project Director of Cultural Infusion since 2015. Rezza has a bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering and a Master’s degree in Computer Science (Information Security). He graduated as the best student of 2012 from University Teknologi Malaysia in 2012 having started his career as a broadcast Engineer in 2001 at IRIB and continued his career pathway as a technical and project director of many national level projects in the broadcasting industry in Iran.
Veronica Pardo has been leading the work on cultural equity in Australia for more than 15 years, heading peak organisations such as Arts Access Victoria and Multicultural Arts Victoria, as champions of change in the arts towards greater equity and justice. As a highly regarded leader, Veronica is sought after by institutions to guide the development of interventions aimed at changing organisational culture, structure and practice. Veronica has worked with organisations focusing on issues such as racial equity and justice, cultural safety, diversity and inclusion. In addition to her work in leadership and executive development, she is Executive Director, Programs with Cultural Infusion. Veronica is on the Board of Contemporary Arts Precincts and Next Wave and is Chair of Western Edge Youth Arts.
Dr. Wesley Payne McClendon is a leading authority in transformation and change strategy, innovating leadership, people, culture and human resource development, and managing sustainable resources and philanthropy in start up intelligent technology companies, complex global organisations, advisory boards and graduate business schools.
Roman is an experienced diversity, equity and inclusion leader and practitioner and analytical chemist. He has worked in the research, university, and Victorian Public Sector and is the Director of DEI at Cultural Infusion. His passions lay in creating enabling, equitable and inclusive workplace environments and bringing people together to raise consciousness and build competency.
Seasoned executive with experience in building and merging business into a Big4, leading the growth of a specialist team and advising on culture transformation with clients that include the UN, Apple, QBE and BHP.
Recent publications:
How confidence is weaponised against women (2022, HBR)
Three ways to be a more inclusive colleague (2021, HBR)
Which two heads are better than one? (2nd ed 2021, AICD)
The key to inclusive leadership (2020, HBR)
Why inclusive leaders are good for organisations and how to become one (2019, HBR)
The D&I Revolution: 8 Powerful Truths (2018, Deloitte)
Missing out: The business case for customer diversity (2017, Deloitte)
It's almost all about me. Workplace 2030: Built for us (2013, Deloitte)
Waiter, is that inclusion in my soup? A new recipe to improve business performance (2012, Deloitte)
President and CEO of the Elizabeth Birch Company (EBCO), advising a wide variety of corporate and not-for-profit clients and speaking on issues relating to corporate and organizational management, with a focus on Diversity & inclusion. Birch is a former Chief Attorney at Apple (1989–1995), and former President (1995–2005) of the Human Rights Campaign (the USA's largest LGBT advocacy organization), where she oversaw a vibrant period of growth and branding, including the establishment of the HRC HQ in Washington DC.
Jean Christophe advises governments, intergovernmental organisations, public entities and the corporate sector to promote pluralism, inclusive society, intercultural dialogue, education for democratic citizenship and participation. Founder and CEO of Connecters for Peace past Director of Democratic Citizenship and Participation at the Council of Europe. From 2008 to 2014, he served at the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in New York as deputy Director, Strategic Development and Partnerships, where he spearheaded the development of the UN Alliance of Civilizations in Asia and the Pacific. From 1999 to 2008, he was the Head of Development Policy Dialogue at the World Bank, where he created and developed the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. He was the first Executive Director of the Aspen Institute France (1994-1999), chaired by former French Prime Minister Raymond Barre.
Sales Director of software development company Snowflake, and is based in the United Arab Emirates. Former roles include Director of Sales and Africa Regional Sales Manager at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. He has more than 21 years of IT/data analytics experience in mature and emerging markets across Cloud and workflow software, infrastructure and services domains spanning all major industry verticals.
Amris is the CEO of Inclusion Wins, a consultancy business that works with companies of all sizes on their inclusion strategies and is the former Global Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Novartis. He is based in Switzerland and is the author of Reconstructing Inclusion: Making Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Accessible, Actionable, and Sustainable (Benbella, 2022).
Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford, Senior Research Fellow and Director of Research at the Oxford Internet Institute, and Governing Body Fellow of St Cross College, Oxford. He is also Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics, American University, Washington DC. His main areas of research are the philosophy of information, the ethics of information, computer ethics, and the philosophy of technology. He has been awarded a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship by the European University Institute and the Cátedras de Excelencia Prize by the University Carlos III of Madrid.
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