Measure your diversity, better

Society now expects more adoption of cultural diversity

Why use Diversity Atlas

Diversity Atlas was developed by Cultural Infusion to support building strategies to advance performance, inclusivity and wellbeing in the workplace using the world’s highest quality and most detailed cultural data.

In 2016, we began research and development, in collaboration with experts and partners, to develop a platform that can measure diversity in all its complexity and intersectionality. We created the world's first diversity data-analytics tool that provides any organisation with a secure and easy way to measure, report, recognise and act on its unique diverse workforce.

What gets measured gets done

Measuring diversity in your organisation gives you a thorough understanding of your workforce or members. Our data can be used to develop strategies to improve staff engagement and wellbeing, and to strengthen business outcomes and performance.

Research clearly shows that diversity can be a source of innovation, productivity and expertise. However, mismanaging diversity can impact team performance, create employee disengagement and overlook business opportunities. Diversity Atlas provides organisations and communities with the tools to thrive and unlock new opportunities in a diverse and globalising world.


The diversity gap: are you meeting your diversity goals?

Once data is collected, it is interpreted via an interactive dashboard, which lets you understand the diversity gap for each team and across the whole organisation.

  • Map where you are now across key diversity metrics and measure against your own organisational and team goals
  • Compare the difference between your workforce’s diversity profile, and that of the target community or customer base
  • Compare teams with each other, to understand the cultural and demographic balance 

Use these insights to shape your hiring, engagement and inclusion strategies with an accurate, fast and easy to use platform featuring all your diversity and inclusion data in one, secure place.

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